viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Post 3 >> My Favourite Piece of Technology

Write about your favourite piece of technology


What it is.
When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.

- 130 words minimum.
- Include a picture.
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

Today I'll talk about my favorite piece of technology. I have to admit that it was kind of difficult at first thinking about only one, as we have many technological devices that we use every day and make our life easier. To tell the truth I'm not a tech fan but if I had to choose one the  first that come to my mind is my camera.

I love taking photographs! ... since I can remember I've always had fun taking photos, when I was younger I used a small camera, but two years ago I  bought a professional one with more options to make photographs more precise. When I go on holiday I really enjoy to capture all those beautiful moments with people I love, and from landscapes I don't want to forget.   

For some people is annoying carrying a camera all the time, or they are worried because they want to look good in every photograph, but I like to take them in spontaneous moments, like when people is laughing or they look happy and they don't realize that I'm taking photos, so then they are surprised to see them. 
Some people say that the problem with the cameras nowadays is that you can take hundreds of photos and you never have time to see them all, and that's right but at least in my case I check them and after erase those who are not that good I put them on a CD, so every time we want to see them again we have them there.  

Of course I would like to learn how to use it properly because it has  many options and everything I know I have learned it on my own, so I'm thinking of taking a courses so I can take advantage of the full potential of the camera. 

... What about you? What is your favorite piece of technology? 

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Post 2 >> Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Write about:

- your dream jobs when you were a child
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- what made you decide in the end
- your experience at university until now
- the kind of job you would like to have

 > word count: 120 words
 > don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts.

I can't really remember if I had a dream job as a child ... I think I never really thought about professions until I was forced to it. However, after finishing high school I had some options like kinesiology or occupational therapy because I wanted to help people but then I realized that I can't deal with injuries so it was not my area at all. I'm not really good at maths either so I guess my options were always closer to the humanistic area.
One thing that helped me decide to become an english teacher is the fact that with English I had different job possibilities like working at schools, institutes, higher education, tourism, as english tutor, etc. Moreover I enjoyed teaching so I think I made the right choice. 
Before getting to Universidad de Chile I worked in other places like schools and english institutes but I didn't like all the bureaucracy of these institutions. At this moment I feel comfortable working with university students because they are responsible at this age and I like to meet people from the different faculties. 
I don't know for how long I'll be working here, or if I'll continue as a teacher for many years but there's one thing I know... at the age of fifty I'd like to move to the south of chile and work there in something different, I don't know... maybe something related with tourism. Well, this is for now maybe I'll change my mind in the future, you never know that's around the corner.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Post 1 > My auto Biography

You have to include:

- Birth information
- Studies information (elementary /high school/ university)
- Family information
- Hobbies
- Others...

> Number of words: 100 (minimum).
> Remember to make comments on three of your classmates posts.

Hi everybody, in this post I'll introduce myself so you can know a little bit more about me. 
I was born in 1987 in Santiago and I’ve always lived here, although I would love to live in the south of Chile some day, nearby Pucón as there are beautiful and quiet landscapes.

I studied at Alberto Hurtado University where I made good friends. Teaching English is something I enjoy every day and now when I think about the decision I made of studying pedagogy, I realize I just don't regret it at all.

About my family I can tell you that I have a brother, he is twenty five years old and he is a philosophy teacher, I don't see him very often but when we have family meeting is great.  Something that all of us (my family and I) have common is that we love animals, that is why we adopted our pets, a cat and dog who live with my parents now and get along really well. 
About some of my hobbies I can tell that whenever I have some free time I enjoy painting, reading, listening to music and sometimes trying to play it with my drums. Also practicing sports like surfing, diving and running.  I try to go running twice or three times a week as this is something I can always adjust according to my schedule.

In general I really enjoy learning new things specially outdoor sports because I love nature and despite I do not consider myself a talkative person I like meeting people with interesting hobbies. There is always something new to be learned :)

Post 10 >> Free Themed topic "Travel"

Dear all, In this last post you'll write about one of the topics you chose, that is about Travel. Include: - How often do you travel ...