viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Post 10 >> Free Themed topic "Travel"

Dear all,
In this last post you'll write about one of the topics you chose, that is about Travel.
- How often do you travel
- Who with?
- Are you planning to travel soon?
- Would you prefer to travel abroad or in Chile? why?
- Include other information

Word-count: 200 + write 3 comments in your classmates' posts.

Post 9 >> Some Reflections...

Have you had a good year, so far?

Write about:
> Good things that have happened
> Situations that haven't worked so well
> Your achievements
> Other things you want to mention

Wordcount: 190 + 3 comments 

martes, 14 de agosto de 2018

Post 8 >> A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

Write about your favorite subject this term. Among others, include:

> Name
> Describe what you do in classes
> Mention the main contents you have seen
> Explain why you like the subject

> Word Count: 180
> Make comments on 3 of your patners' posts.

I still remember the subject I enjoyed the most when I studied was Ciclo Vital, this was part of the baccalaureate curriculum the first two years of university. This subject was about psychology in students'  learning process. Among the topics I can remember, some of the most interesting where connected with the brain, and how it works when learning a new language. We also learned about the stages within the learning process, differences between teaching children and adults and the most suitable techniques to be used with them. I think the reason why I liked this subject is because every person learn in a different way, and it is important for teachers to know the mental process students go through at the moment to learn a new language, as well as having a domain in the use of different techniques to address those needs. 
Most of the classes where expository, Verónica was an excellent teacher because explained very well, besides her classes where entertaining due to the use of visual support and interesting situations to be analyzed  in classes. For these reason I could say that it became my favorite subject at university, I know this class was not directly connected with English like the use grammar, It was rather focused in the learning process itself  and how to improve my teaching which in my opinion was a lot more interesting.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Carbon Footprint

Part 1- Carbon footprint!

Ø What’s the average carbon footprint of a person? (Include the link of your source)

Part 2 – “Going Green” Quiz
Answer the quiz. Mention the 2 most interesting findings that you learnt by responding to this quiz.

Part 3- Video. Top ten tips for recycling
Watch the video and choose the best 3 tips in your opinion.

In "Asunto": name + surname (Química)

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

Post 7 >> Themed/Free Post "Memes"

Dear all,
this time you have to write about one of the topics you suggested "Memes"
please Include:

- Do you have any favorite meme?
- Have you ever created one? Would you like to?
- What kind of memes are not funny for you?
- Why do you think they're so popular?
- Mention something else you consider important.

Word-count: 170
Write 3 comments in your classmates posts.
Deadline: Thursday 10th at 12:00 PM

Post 6 >> Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

For this post, your students have to choose only ONE of these  2 options:
Post 1 (Instructions). 
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You have to:

- provide the link
- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.

>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs t
>Word Count: 160


Post 2 (Instructions)
Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is. (short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 160 words
>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs

viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Post 5 >> A Photograph you like

Write about a photograph you like. 


- Who took it
- What it shows
- When it was taken
- Why you like it
- Upload it too

* Include any other information you'd like to mention.
* Write 150 words. 

This is one of the last fotos I took that I like , it was taken this year during summer before starting classes. This is my dog :) and he is looking outside by my room's window as he usually does. I think what I like the most about this picture is that it was very spontaneous, I was playing with my camera and he suddenly appeared and I though the colors of the image looked perfect. I don't remember the hour exactly but as it was sunset it looks very warm and I when I see it I have the feeling of a cozy home. I also like the plants shades because even though they are not within the photograph you can realize they are present. 
There is also a fuchsia hydrangea that is one of my favorite flowers, they are very typical to be found in the south of Chile, specially in blue and purple colors. They are really beautiful, that's why I like to have them, it feels like having a part of the south with me. 

One think I like about taking photographs is that you can find beauty in very small details and every person can have a different perception of a place or a moment. 

Post 10 >> Free Themed topic "Travel"

Dear all, In this last post you'll write about one of the topics you chose, that is about Travel. Include: - How often do you travel ...